Terezin: Voices of the Holocaust

Terezín, a city northwest of Prague, was the location of a concentration camp. During the course of the war, it held about 100,000 people, a large number of which were artists and musicians.

Initially, rehearsals and concerts were held in secret, but Nazis eventually filmed these concerts for use in propaganda films in order to convince the world that the camps were humane. Composers such as Pavel Haas, Gideon Klein, Hans Krása, and Victor Ullmann were held in Terezín, but still composed and are still performed today, proving the strength of artistic expression.

During this semester, come check out the Music Library’s collection of music written by composers held at Terezín. Our collection includes

String Quartets by Pavel Haas & Hans Krása – CD 6987

Brundibár – Opera in 2 Acts by Hans Krása – CD 4455

Composers of the Holocaust – Pavel Haas and more – CD 3238

…and more. The CDs will be on the display shelves in the Music Library.

Also during this semester, the University Library will host several events surrounding Terezín’s history and continuing impact on humanity. These events include documentary and propaganda film screenings, panel discussions, Q & A sessions, and presentations.

Jan. 27, 12-1pm – screening of Nazi propaganda film The Fuehrer Gives a City to the Jews, followed by disscussion

Feb. 17, 6:30-8pm – poetry readings, discussion of art in the post-Holocaust world

March 16, 6:30-8pm – screenining of Theresienstadt: Gateway to Auschwitz, followed by panel discussion

April 17, 5:30-8 – screening of documentary Fighter, followed by Q & A session

For more events and information, visit http://american.edu/cas/terezin%5C